Book Club FAQ
You've got questions, we've got answers!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where do I get the books?
Most book titles included in our book club list are available through Amazon, Barns & Noble, Books-A-Million, Target, and many Christian bookstore.
How long do I have to read the book?
Most of the books listed have a 6 week reading time. Check the Book Club schedule for details.
What happens if I get behind in my reading?
The Book Club is all about providing us with an opportunity to invest in ourselves by reading awesome books that will help us grow in all areas of life. The added bonus is we get to talk about it with the girls. And you know we LOVE to talk:) The great thing about this club is no one will know you are behind unless you tell us. There are no quizzes, tests or mandatory progress checks. If you get behind just pick back up where you left off or join us wherever we are in the schedule.
How will the Facebook live discussions work?
On the last Saturday we are scheduled to read each book, we will hold a discussion that will be streamed on Facebook, Youtube, and right here on our site! You'll have the opportunity to join the conversation via chat. The conversations are sure to be riveting, fun, and encouraging. So, make plans to join us!
Do I have to buy the starter kit?
No, the starter kit is just a cool way to enhance your book club experience.