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Embracing All of God

Writer: God's BeYOUtiesGod's BeYOUties

When we embrace all of whom and whose we are in God, we are indeed God’s BeYouties. Psalm 139:14 says, “we are fearfully and wonderfully made!”


Well, believe it or not, there are Christian woman that don’t yet see themselves as totally fearfully and wonderfully made. Transparency … I used to be one of those Christian women.


Sometime ago, I made a comment about myself, and Pastor Deborah kindly said to me, “do you realize that when you say that you are criticizing God’s creation?" Wow! I never saw it that way. That really opened my eyes, and from that time on, whenever I heard another woman make an unfavorable comment about herself, I shared Psalm 139:14 and Pastor Deborah’s comments.


I really like the name of our Women’s Ministry: God’s BeYOUties as it has a special meaning to me. Besides the word "God’s," what also stands out is the word "YOU!" We belong to God and we’re not just one of God’s magnificent creations; we are powerful, anointed and have a purpose.


Therefore, we should be embracing all of God; which includes His traits, His character, and His personality given to us by the example of Jesus Christ; who walked in the highest level of compassion, mercy, love, spiritual discernment and all of Galatians 5:22-23.


Colossians 2:6-7 tells us “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him, and established in faith as you have been taught abounding in it with thanksgiving."

I would submit to you that one of the many roles of God’s BeYOUties is not only being beautiful but walking in and sharing with other woman the distinctive characteristics of Jesus Christ, to help them embrace all of God. For we are now His example in this world. After all Matthew 5:8 says that God has shed His love abroad in our hearts.


As God’s BeYOUties we have the ability to touch the heart of others and love them back to wholeness with the love of Jesus Christ.


So how do we begin? Our Bishop teaches us to pray for all the gifts of the Spirit. So first, and foremost pray and ask God to show you who you should reach out to; it may be more than one person.

Secondly, pray for spiritual discernment to find out what is needed. God will use the gift(s) that He placed in you to encourage, build up and restore.

I am a hugger; in 2014 while a student in Pistis, I would greet everyone with hugs in the morning before class. One day the Holy Spirit told me to give a specific person a hug every day when I saw her. However, every time I would hug her, she didn’t resist, but I could tell she wasn’t receptive.


Nevertheless, being obedient to the Holy Spirit, I would hug her every day. One day she saw me and immediately walks to the other side of the Sanctuary. Later that night I went to God and said “Lord why you got me hugging her? She does not want to be hugged! So, I stopped hugging her.


A few weeks went by and one day she approached me and asked why did I stop hugging her? I said, "because I thought you did not want to be hugged." She then apologized and stated, “My mother never hugged me so I wasn’t used to it, but I do want to be hugged."


So, let’s do our part. When the Holy Spirit tells you to reach out, do it! Even if the situation appears unapproachable. God knows what is needed, so follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. We all need a godly touch to help us Embrace All of God’s BeYOUties that’s within us!

- Jeanette Dunmore


Our Women's Conference, Grace & Grit, is right around the corner - April 3rd - 5th. Register now and get in on all the perks! Visit for all the details!


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